The men don't like to go to the doctor. Why, who knows! You're too busy to get a line to sit in front of the medical Cabinet, or is it just people are scared in a white robe. Or is that even such serious diseases as prostate, the powerful often prefer to treat you. This article is addressed primarily to fans of a home samobrazovaniya, and first and foremost is the question of how treatment of prostatitis folk remedies.

What is the prostate?
Prostate called the second man's heart they body, of small size, situated between a pubic articulation and rectum. Inflammation of the prostate, of the disease called prostate. The disease is Unfortunately not rare, they are.
Various medical sources state that one in Russia, the number of words suffering from prostatitis, a 35 to 70% of the population. The different regions statistics. Suffering from this disease is approximately two-thirds of the doctor, another, seems, to figure out what is the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies, and try to cope with a disease from you.
The first symptoms
Mint we know every disease are treated better in the beginning, don't wait until he goes into a chronic form. If the people in the effort, and sometimes discomfort in the groin, in the region of the head of a balls, could this be the first sign of the prostate. Representatives Also don't need a stronger warning, the so-called "syndrome, every last drop". It's an involuntary, uncontrolled distribution of droplets of urine after urination is completed during the sitting.
Prostate manifested in Sometimes immediately, the acute form and signs, it is impossible not to notice. The patient:
- sharp, sharp pain in the groin, perineum, testicles, and the pubic bone;
- frequent, painful or difficult urination;
- the feeling of pain with a bowel movement;
- an in increase in test temperature to 38-39 °C;
- weakens an erection;
- weakness, sweating, general malaise.
If you go to the doctor, he will be able to the diagnosis of the prostate. Symptoms, treatment, and subsequent preventive measures for the disease came back not - all this in close contact with each other.
Symptoms of the chronic form of the disease is very similar sharp, but in addition, a significant weakening and deterioration of the sexual sensations and the appearance of discharge from the urethra, the bowel movement. A treatment for a chronic prostate inflammation, like the acute, it is best to trust the doctor-urologist or andrologist.
Possible look for a disease
Prostate inflammation can occur for many reasons you have. The first is that the pathology may be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi; the second, that the cause of a disease often stagnation of prostatic secretion, blood in my veins, in a little bed, which can contribute to an irregular sexual life.
The congestion-induced, or non-sedentary lifestyle, too on tight underwear, as well as abuse of alcoholic beverages. In addition, hormonal disorders, defects of the immune system, a presence, an infectious foci in a body, where the bacteria attack the prostate, which the prostate inflammation can cause. The symptoms (for the treatment a folk remedy may bring relief, but they won't eliminate the problem) uncomfortable, but a timely appeal to the professional assistance increases the chances of recovery. Why samobrazovaniya often ineffective? The fact that test without professional diagnosis is hard to establish, to a real what causes a disease. This means that even after successful treatment, she may return. For those who, due to certain circumstances I don't wish to seek the help of doctors, the following read-a-bet allowed is a traditional remedy that most of the good results of the prostate.

Treatment candles, propolis
Mint is known, the propolis is a very strong antispasmodic and anti-bacterial properties. Therefore, the traditional medicine use this tool when inflammation of the prostate. Treatment, prostate men in the propolis when using tinctures, ointments, and suppositories, prepared on the basis thereof.
Cone (high skill), you can easily make at home. This is a pure propolis extract in a quantity of 0,1 g, 2 g of cocoa butter, mix both ingredients, and then a little hand in the form of candles. However, this is not the only betting allowed.
Here's another tip for the self-production of suppositories: melt 200 grams of any fatty basis, to add 40 to 60 g of well crushed propolis, stir thoroughly. Mixture will be When a is homogeneous, add the wax, stir, let the mixture settle, then drain off the liquid that formed a top, cool, cut the mass into pieces of 5 g to them to create the candles.
A suppositories should be inserted into an anus at night before bed. A treatment duration of one's work. Then there is a break of 4-6 weeks, after which you have to go in for a monthly treatment. You just need to pass the 3 courses. We recommend that this therapy is the ingestion of a product mixture, which is a 10 propolis g, 90 g honey. The composition of a spoon (three times a day) for a month.
An ointment, and tincture on the basis of propolis
Well-established folk treatment, prostate propolis tincture or ointment. It's the latter, you need 30 grams of propolis, and olive oil mix well or sunflower oil. Do your best in a water bath. The resulting composition, framing that within a day 14 dam.
Prepare a tincture is a simple: a 96% alcohol to dissolve the propolis in the ratio of 1:2 and 2 weeks in a cool, sense of place. From time to time, a tincture should be shaken. At the end of a specified period of time to drain. Most of This is now possible, to a conduct a course of treatment. 30-40 drops of tincture dissolved in milk or water you brought half an hour before meals. The boss, of course, The whole one month. The cake remaining after straining, throw out is not necessary - it's perfect cone.
Tinctures, ointments, and suppositories on the basis of propolis to relieve pain, reduce the size of the inflamed prostate, normalizes functioning of a function, as well as the flow of urine, improves the general health of the patient is a firebrand.
Treatment, prostate herbs, plants
Folk medicine use in the healing of various herbs in the treatment of many diseases, and is an exception, not prostate inflammation to this rule. There are many plants that could be herbal teas, infusions and this to help battle a disease. Here's the list:
- parsley;
- chestnut;
- hazel;
- And Wintergreen Wintergreen;
- marigold;
- nettle;
- fennel;
- yarrow;
- the harrow in a field;
- bearberry;
- cyanosis;
- Adonis;
- pumpkin.
Parsley is prepared fruit juice you want to a half an hour before meals tablespoon 3 times a day. It's also a good decoction of a plant. Parsley quickly relieves inflammation and restores the sexual function.
A treatment a chestnut is used, it is not a kernel, a shell, a needles. I just need a beer, let's drink tea instead. This is very beneficial to drink in the prostate.
Pumpkin can be home treatment of prostate is very effective! Because this is one of the most powerful tools used since ancient times mind of a healer, the mind of a traditional healer. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc - a chemical element is a necessary to all people. It can be eaten whole, in the form of powder, before meals, or mixed with honey.
The use of decoction of a leaf, bark witch hazel treatment of prostate is a good opportunity! Ezek the ingredients for the best beer, drink, alternately, a quarter Cup 3-4 times a day. Relief should come within a week.
A elderberries juice, juice of parsley, chestnut peel, juice bearberry, primrose, burdock root as well as can make a great healing potion. Taking the drug it is necessary to two-three weeks, after that after period a symptoms begin to recede. A cyanosis may be beer to drink a decoction of it as a chronic, acute prostatitis, but, for example, Adonis is indicated only with a chronic disease. Mind the plants, it's best to brew fresh, I mean straight from the garden.

Treatment of prostatitis folk remedies, it would be good to Supplement hydrotherapy. This can be done in a warm (not above 43 degrees) sitz bath, or warm microclysters (up to 38 degrees). Water need to add milk-oil mixture, a decoction of succession, chamomile, sage. Important: in the acute stage of the disease a warm bath can be harmful, like them, you need to consult a doctor.
A good calming, relaxing effect of general baths, the temperature does not exceed body temperature (36 degrees). They're not sour anymore, mint 10-20 minutes. Valid, and hot (41-43 degrees) bath can alleviate the pain while contraction of the muscles, and relaxing into Overdrive. You definitely need to ensure that the heart area was not covered by water. After the procedure, you must have a about the cold shower at a comfortable temperature.
Treatment juice
Juice therapy is complementary therapy, prostate. Opinion a is very effective method, but has some side effects. The fact that the fruit juice mixture, which recipe is given below actively promotes dissolution of stones, sand, a kidney, gall bladder, and the subsequent excretion from the body, but a strong attack may be accompanied by pain.
The most let's go over a-bet allowed: you need to prepare a mixture of carrot, cucumber and carrot juice and drink this a multivitamin fruit juice, half a Cup 3-4 times a day. The more weeks. Very important: a fresh carrot juice, don't drink, you need to have a few hours to give him to settle.
A therapy
Treatment, prostate in men, possible genoterapii. The most important thing -to have a high find procedure raw material. A clay should look for a pit, chasm, because the underlying product is biologically active is more than just the surface. A tool may be necessary to buy at the pharmacy. The best to a deep blue clay. You need to or soak in a decoction of infusion of herbs to the consistency of thick cream is really a form of cake, of a thickness of 2-3 cm, then put it in a area, a prostate, a fixed binding. Recommended top wool fabric, wrapped warm in a blanket, and then lay down for 2 hours.
During the procedure the patient interfere with quite severe pain, you need to endure. The presence of pain means that it works on the clay, and steam cleaning. After two hours, you can be able to a cake, unpleasant smell, what about the large amount of toxins that he was able to pull out of the body. A used clay to destroy it you must, or better yet, if the earth. Note: the intervention to go after you can't, better to have a little time to warm.
How to the question in the prostate?
Necessary any kind of special diet in the treatment of prostate? The symptoms (of the disease the treatment is not fast can be called) can greatly facilitate, if rightly question this, we'll eliminate the harmful foods in the diet. Prostatitis must have smoked dishes, but also delicious. The variety of pickles, canned goods including homemade jams, the need to delete. In addition, the prohibition applies to Financial analysis, radishes, radish, hot spices, cakes, sweets, strong coffee, tea. Like garlic, onions are possible, but only in small quantities.
The patients with a prostate shows a varied diet, which includes milk products, cheese, particular, seeds (especially pumpkin), lean meats, fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits. In particular, it is important that the food question in, which contains the zinc: legumes, chicken liver, ocean fish, various seafood, grapefruit, apple, berries (raspberry, currant), honey, celery, beets, tomatoes, fries, etc. Mint can see, the diet is very varied and tasty.
Useful tips
There are various methods treatment, prostate. Some people have said in this article. In addition to ezek, I want it to a number of useful tips that will help the inflammation of the prostate.
- It is necessary to a avoid hypothermia, outdoor only no, but also indoor.
- When ül down on the chair that you need to squeeze the buttocks. If possible, it's better if you don't sit, stand.
- Prostate massage is useful, because it's bad it's accompanied by blood. Useful do it 1 time a week, or more. This the anus is inserted finger. This is the best, crouching down.
- The toilet you can also use a small syringe to show a rectum an infusion of chamomile - it's very good to relieve inflammation.
Chronic prostatitis, the may waves, periodic repairs, and this situation is sometimes astringent for years. The period of time, symptoms may be mistakenly perceived the man as a full course of treatment, and at this time an inflammatory process is able to quietly spread in the urinary system. Mint we know, all good, I may not lead. So the first suspicion of prostate inflammation, is the best, as soon as possible to see a doctor. Similar words - don't try to intimidate me, desire a difficult to help cure diseases such as inflammation of the prostate. Be healthy!