Prostatitis is a disease that all men fear. This is an inflamed prostate, which can easily lead to serious complications. Each year, the disease affects men more and more and rejuvenates more and more. Therefore, according to the statistics of doctors, in 30% of men from 30 to 35 years old are diagnosed with inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. In the group over 50 years old, 50% of men have inflammation. Among people over 65 years of age, prostatitis is diagnosed as 70%. In the absence of treatment, the disease begins to progress slowly but surely, eventually leading to the development of oncology. If you start fighting the disease right away, as soon as it feels on its own, using a combination of medications and folk remedies to treat it, then you can count on a quick recovery andcompletely. Don't be afraid to diagnose "prostatitis", as it is not cancer and if properly treated, it can be successfully cured. When in doubt about it, you should consult a doctor and choose the optimal treatment with him.
What can cause prostatitis?
There are many reasons to begin to develop prostatitis, and very often they are combined. As the main cause of this disease, doctors today call:
- Sexually transmitted diseases and infectionsSexually transmitted diseases - it's not uncommon for them to develop unrecognizable long after entering the body and taking over the entire genitourinary system. In such situations, prostatitis, as a rule, is diagnosed at the moment the underlying disease becomes apparent, and it is for this reason that they seek medical attention.
- Go into the duct of the prostate gland of urineThis happens if a urination is disrupted, in which the circular muscles of the urethra gradually dilate.
- Circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs- They are observed when a sedentary lifestyle, wearing tight, tight pants and underwear leads to intermittent blood circulation in the pelvic organs. As a result, the prostate gland overflows, leading to chronic damage, after which there will be disturbances at work and nutrient supply. It is because of this that an inflammatory process develops in the prostate gland.
- Interruption of sexual intercourse,artificially prolonged sex or prolonged abstinence - all this leads to a prostate gland secreting the bile from the body and a stagnant state, which causes inflammation.
- Hormonal disorders in the bodyFailure to produce sex hormones increases or decreases the activity of glandular cells significantly, which is the cause of inflammation. Most often, prostatitis occurs this way in old age.
- Strongly reduced immunityWhen the body's natural barrier is weakened, pathogenic bacteria, often in small numbers in the urethra and do not cause harm, begin to multiply, stimulating the inflammatory process.
- Severe hypothermia- It provokes the onset of the disease, since cold leads to a decrease in local immunity and impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
Regardless of the cause of the disease, it should be treated immediately and followed all the doctor's recommendations.
Symptoms of prostatitis
The fact that the inflammatory process that begins to develop in the prostate gland is evidenced by the following symptoms:
- Difficult urination
- pain while urinating;
- strange bodily sensations when urinating;
- Weak urine flow (sometimes urine may be passed out not in a stream but in drops);
- urinary incontinence;
- increased need to urinate;
- burning sensation when urinating;
- prostate secretion after defecation;
- pain sensation in the perineum when sitting for a long time;
- pain in the sacral region;
- soreness in the rectum;
- erectile dysfunction;
- decreased libido;
- the disappearance of a spontaneous erection;
- dry;
- reduced performance;
- neurasthenia;
- sleep disorders;
- chronic fatigue;
- slight increase in body temperature.
Depending on the degree of infection, symptoms of the disease may be brighter or weaker, but in any case, for successful treatment, they need immediate medical attention. Shyness in this situation is unreasonable, since we are talking about health, and also because most patients go to the urologist with just such a problem. Any delay threatens the patient with serious complications such as cancer and infertility.
Folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis
It must be remembered that alternative therapy should be used only as an adjunct to the primary treatment.
- Pumpkin seeds and honey- An excellent cure for prostatitis. To prepare the remedy, you need to take 500 g of dried pumpkin seeds, peel it and put it in a mill to puree or grind it with a blender. Next, add 200 g of honey to the mass obtained. Mix the product thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This volume of drug is designed for 1 course of treatment. They used this drug 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals. These two regimens should be done every year: the first - for treatment, the second - for prevention.
- Candles made from honeywill be very helpful for prostatitis. For the treatment, you need to take 1 teaspoon of high quality honey mixed with 1/2 egg yolk (preferably home hen eggs). After both ingredients can be mixed until smooth, add 3 tablespoons of rye flour to them. Next, the composition is thoroughly mixed again and candles are formed from it with a thickness of about 1 cm. Place candles to store in the freezer of the refrigerator. Candles are used after douching in the morning and in the evening for 4 weeks. Then, after a 7-day break, the course was repeated to reinforce the effect.
- hazelAllows you to significantly speed up recovery and quickly eliminate the inflammatory process. To prepare a medicinal preparation, you need to take 10 witch hazel stalks with leaves and pour water so that only they cover them. Next, the composition is placed on a fire and boiled after boiling for 20 minutes. Then, the pan with the medicine is covered with an insulating blanket and simmer the broth for 10 hours. Next, the ingredient is filtered. For the therapy, the prepared medicine is heated warmly, sitting on top so that the main steam falls to the perineum. Warm-up is done in 10 minutes. The procedure is performed daily for 1 week. You can use the same broth for no more than 3 days.
- Le ussuriwill be able to cope with prostatitis and prevent its recurrence. For treatment, you should collect ripe fruit and prepare compote from them. To store pears until the next harvest, the pears are frozen. To prepare a medicinal drink for 1 glass of pear, take 6 glasses of water and boil it like a regular juice. In case the patient has no problem with sugar, honey is added to pear juice for enjoyment. They drink this drink all day long. For prostatitis to heal completely and not to return again, you should drink pear juice all year round. It is also useful for women, as it perfectly boosts the immune system and fights various inflammatory processes in the body.
- Vegetable juice- a very effective drug for male problems. For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to mix 120 ml of asparagus, beet, cucumber and carrot juice. The resulting drink is divided in half and drank 1 portion in the morning and evening. The full course of treatment is 1 month.
- ParsleyIt will be quite helpful for prostatitis. For treatment, you need to store the dried seeds of the plant. First, 2 (teaspoons) small seeds pour in 250 ml of freshly boiled water and leave on a fire, boil for 15 minutes. The drug is then allowed to infuse until it has cooled completely. After carefully filtering the drug, they took 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals, six times a day. The drug is used for 30 days. Such a drug not only fights inflammatory prostatitis but also reduces impotence, allowing a return of male strength even in old age.
- Chestnut shellis a powerful natural remedy for inflammatory prostate disease. To eliminate the disease with their help, a drug should be prepared according to this recipe: 3 tablespoons with crushed peanut shells, pour in 600 ml of freshly boiled water and boil throughout the night. After the preparation is completely filtered and placed in the water bath, evaporate to a volume of 200 ml. They take this drug 30 drops before meals 3 times a day. The course is designed for 1 part broth. After a 60-day break, treatment should be repeated to reinforce the results.
- Garlic therapy.To do this, 5 garlic cloves are chopped using a fine mill and poured with 2 cups of boiling water. Furthermore, this drug is emphasized throughout the night. In the morning, filter the composition and drink 60 ml in the morning and in the evening before meals. This course of treatment is 1 month. This medicine helps clean blood vessels and restore normal blood supply to prostate tissue. You can also use this tool to prevent prostatitis, which cleans blood vessels in the spring and fall.
- Rhodiola rosea rootAlso recommended to combat prostatitis. For healing purposes, you need 1 teaspoon of chopped root, pour 200 ml of just boiled water and place in a water bath. You need to boil it in this way for 15 minutes. Next, the drug is emphasized for 60 minutes. Drink 100 ml in the morning and afternoon. The course of treatment takes 3 weeks.
- Perineal massage with honeywill have a noticeable healing effect. To do this, you need to apply some dark honey to the crotch. It should then be rubbed in circular motions for 15 minutes. The massage should be strong, but painless. This procedure must be repeated every morning for 1 month.
- Healing bath with fir oilAlso does a great job with prostatitis. For treatment, it is necessary to shower the whole body every evening for 20 minutes with the addition of 20 drops of fir oil. The water temperature should be as high as you can stand it. Duration of treatment is 20 days.
Exercise for prostatitis
Since the disease often occurs due to blood accumulation in the pelvic organs, special exercises will also be helpful in treating the disease. They are simple and time consuming.
- Squats are a great way to normalize blood circulation in prostate tissues. They should be taken 3 times a day. You should not run after numbers and exhaust yourself while doing them. Just 30 squats per hit is enough to prevent congestion.
- Another very powerful and powerful exercise is leg rotation. The boom alternately stretches the legs straight so that a 90 degree angle is created between the thighs and body. Each leg should perform 30 turns.
- Can be used for exercise and take the stairs. To get rid of the stagnation, just morning and evening climbing the stairs to the 5th floor and going downstairs is enough. Daily walking like that will have a pronounced healing effect.
Exercise should be done after the prostatitis is cured to prevent the disease from coming back.
Prevention of prostatitis
To prevent the occurrence of prostatitis that all men fear, you should know about the rules of prevention and closely monitor their implementation. Only in this case will it be able to maintain health. The following will prevent the onset of the disease:
- an active lifestyle - with sedentary work, you should walk every day for at least 30 minutes and go to the gym at least 3 times a week;
- maintaining a harmonious sex life;
- using a condom when having sex with a suspected health partner;
- proper nutrition - the body definitely has to get all the nutrients it needs; also requires the exclusion of the use of fast food, containing a huge amount of substances harmful to the body;
- good rest;
- Daily contrast showers - this is necessary to strengthen the immune system and ensure proper blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
- Daily exercise against prostatitis.
All of these actions help protect you from prostatitis and related problems. With just a careful attitude towards your body, you can expect that this disease will be put aside and men's health preserved into old age.