Prostate inflammation is the enemy of men's health, to deprive the most important thing: the potency of the man's power. A lot of people are afraid to hear the doctor's diagnosis, so the first signs of the disease, rather, tolerate the unpleasant feelings. This is a mistake. The effects can cost people's health, as well as the ability to have children, a normal sex life with my partner. The sooner treatment is started, the more chances you have to get rid of this disease without a trace, and the unpleasant consequences, which can be very serious. One consequence of the cancer of the prostate. Furthermore, delaying the treatment is not so bad.
Men are often overlooked, and the annual medical examination a urologist. According to numerous statistical studies demonstrate that the regular examination, the doctor can help men to avoid prostate inflammation as well as complications, and quickly cure the disease in case it occurs.
At what age to begin periodic medical examination? Prostatitis (including chronic) is a common disease. Disease, the patients become younger. Alarm numbers the age of the men ranges from 30 to 60 years old. The older the person is, the greater the risk. Stress, irregular sexual life, frequent change of partners, bad habits, improper lifestyle, unhealthy diet, infections caused by the disease the prostate.

How to treat prostate in men without complications? The first sign of the disease, consult a doctor immediately. You can make a man feel the rise in body temperature, abdominal pain, problems with urination. Survey in hospitals will help to identify the form of the disease, then the doctor, and select the appropriate treatment. The diagnosis of prostatitis includes, easy save procedures through which they can quickly, accurately determine your treatment parameters.
The patient should not be afraid of the medical errors in the diagnostic methods. It's so rare that this issue isn't the statistics. Any discrepancy or error, rather just a statistical error, which should not be taken into account. The doctors are not wrong diagnosis and appointment of adequate therapy.
At the time of diagnosis, the patient's face a few unpleasant, which is impossible to avoid. These diagnostic procedures, which, however, help to accurately and immediately determine the correct diagnosis and cure the disease.
The diagnosis of prostate
The first stage of the general examination of the patient, the collection of tests. You will be sure rectal examination of the prostate with the finger method. After the main analysis, the urologist takes the study of the secretory fluid from the glands of the prostate. If the patient is suffering from acute form of the disease the intake of secret that is very painful. The secret enters the laboratory, which produces the necessary tests, so the possibility of a form of the disease (figure could be bacterial or infectious). The task of the physician to identify the infection of the pathogen determination of the resistance to the drugs. Biological material is subjected to a separate study to what extent sensitivity to the drug, the effect of different methods of treatment. This approach allows the treatment effective, but less time-consuming.

If there is a need to examine the finger method is added to ultrasound. Ultra sound in two ways: the lower part of the abdomen or the rectum. The first method is the so-called TRANS-abdominal. Ultrasound through the abdominal wall for the patient to be pain-free. Visually examine the prostate to the screening diagnosis. The second method is the so-called TRANS-rectal.
The doctor is more efficient, but much more information it carries, like an ultrasound of the prostate through the abdomen. The drug offers patients 2 ultrasonic methods, because each has its own characteristics. When TRANS rectal examination the doctor can do additional details, and examine the prostate gland, the smallest change in the tissues. With the latest technology, the drug we give the patient a pain-free ultrasound test. A lot of people, this method can be scary, but don't be afraid. During the procedure the doctor applies the different materials, which reduce the sensitive tissues of the rectum. After the procedure the patient may feel a slight discomfort in the anus, that lasts more than a day. This test is not required if the form of the disease is a chronic inflammation of the prostate.
Prostate-specific antigen
The PSA is a fluid that the prostate. If the level in the body significantly increases, the doctor has reason to suspect that the patient's prostate gland or other diseases of the excretory system, genital organs. This blood test enables the treatment of prostate more effective. Normal PSA level- 4 units / 1 ml. Doctors recommend that this simple analysis is that men, whose age of 50 years or more. With this method, the screening diagnosis, the doctor determines the effectiveness of any treatment method.

The treatment of the disease, regardless of the form carried out in similar systems. Chronic prostatitis stage of exacerbation treated in almost the same methods as the infection stage of the development.
Correctly chosen treatment ensures the perfect cure for the disease, if the patient's compliance with medical requirements (lifting heavy physical activity, nutrition, lack of omissions in medication). Chronic prostatitis go for the healing, which, subject to the necessary conditions.
Anti-bacterial treatment
Only the doctor can choose the appropriate drugs to treat disease. The selection is based on the results of analyses. If the medicine is incorrect, the infection become resistant to the drugs. Acute prostatitis becomes chronic. Definitely need to inform your doctor about the medicines taken by the patient prior to the course commencing antibiotic treatment. Depends on the effectiveness of the medication, the duration of subsequent remission.
The duration of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks. The first signs of relief, do not stop taking antibiotics, the variable dose application. Mandatory compliance with medical recommendations is a guarantee of successful recovery. The treatment can be carried out in the hospital. This is usually done if the patient is a patient with severe, acute form. Detoxification is carried out, the doctor prescribes painkillers.
Other medication, prostate

The sooner treatment is started, the prolonged cumulative effect of the medicinal substances in the tissues of the body, as well as their influence on the disease. The herbal medicinal products present to the whole complex of favorable properties, which are distinguished by their combined effect. The materials, vitamins include extracts and extracts from herbs, minerals, carotenoids.
The ingredients included in the medicine, prevents the formation of new foci of inflammation, neutralize existing inflammatory sites, inhibit the growth of prostate cells. Also the intake of these drugs gives the opportunity to strengthen the protective functions of the organism, increases the resistance to pathogens.
During the medication treatment increase volume of seminal fluid and improving the quality. The sperm will be active. A different pain, that the patient may have during urination, intercourse, disappears. This treatment was especially effective, must be started in advance.
Therapy local action
Physiotherapy helps the prostate tissue to recover faster, speeding up the recovery. The following methods of physical therapy: hyperthermia, laser therapy, phonophoresis, ultrasound.
Rectal suppositories
The effectiveness of the cone due to the fast action. Materials immediately and directly to the source of the inflammation, bypassing the long journey through the digestive tract, blood vessels. The largest concentration allows you to quickly remove the pain, cramps, inflammation to remove the infection. Often the doctor prescribes suppositories, or in order to prevent the chronic inflammation of the prostate, as well as the implementation of the prevention of the disease in general.
Prostate massage

This method has a positive effect on the prostate. Healing of the prostate gland without stimulating the prostate tissue is very difficult. The finger massage rid of the stagnation in the tissues secretory fluid. Massage allows you to squeeze the fluid, the prostate, and then move through the urine-excretory channels. The massage is prescribed by a doctor to improve the effectiveness of the therapy.
Some forms of prostatitis, and related diseases, massage is contraindicated. Pressure in the gland causes the secretory fluid action may spread in the body-infection. In the acute form the prostate, the procedure is not carried out. The massage can be the cause of the pain in the patients, however, the actual effect on the body of the men would not allow that this is not the procedure.
Enhanced immunity
Low immunity is the cause of many diseases. Chronic prostatitis is no exception. Patients suffering from inflammatory diseases, is mandatory to undergo the procedure, corrective immune system. It is necessary to strengthen the body's resistance to infectious diseases. This fits very simple method: a healthy diet, avoiding harmful habits, regular hours, the normal sexual life, healthy habits, the sport. Compulsory taking multivitamins, as well as immunomodulators of natural origin.

Treatment prostate surgical treatment is the place where in rare cases. As a general rule, prescribed by the doctor, the operation of the abscesses, and narrowing of the urinary excretory channels.
How to treat prostate in men? Appropriate drug therapy is the key to successful treatment, but significant important to the lifestyle of the men. The factors contributing to the emergence of prostatitis, a lot. These include hypothermia, excessive alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle. Men, active living sexual life, you need to understand the importance of safe sex. Sexually transmitted infections are the main source of the emergence of inflammatory processes may be acute or chronic inflammation of the prostate.
Choosing a doctor. Who to turn to?
The treatment of this disease – the scope of the doctor-urologist. It is also possible with the help of a doctor, which will be the appropriate, in the case of an active infection. To cure prostate faster a complex effect, which the patient receives a consultation, the therapist and immunologist.