Prostatitis, or a inflammation of the prostate familiar with half of the strong humanity. According to official statistics, the disease affects the 16% of adult men. The specialists urologists are called, and other data: not less than 35%, the number of men in the country. The difference between an official pécs or propeller, as well as the real incidence is easily explained: the patient's potential is simply not in a hurry to help the doctors, because the emotions are embarrassing, awkward, lack of time, misunderstanding the importance of the problem.
Prostatitis today is a group and a, in the words of sexual transmitted diseases that primarily contact. The complications threaten infertility, decreased sex drive, impotence.
The symptoms of a prostate not just the pain, urinary tract diseases, inflammation of a spermatic cord. The most dangerous consequence of the inflammation running can become cancerous degeneration of the prostate. As a diagnosed pathological process is easily docked.
The cause is an inflammation of
The risk of developing prostate inflammation increases the various predisposing to error, and that a disease points:
- Hypothermia, uniform or related to the bought nature of the outdoors to work.
- The sedentary lifestyle, which would interfere with the functioning of the digestive system.
- Chronic somatic diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure).
- A focal lesions, perifocal infection (rhinitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gastritis).
- Persistent UGI (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes simplex virus).
- Stress, insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome.
- The decreased immunity related to the transferred illness, surgery, emotional stress.
- Bad habits leading to the development of poisoning: Financial analysis, Smoking, strong coffee.
- Workplace injuries are a barrier to leaders, athletes, workers in dangerous industries.
- Promiscuous coitus interruptus, free from sensuality sexual intercourse absence of ejaculation, prolonged lack of intimacy (low demand in the sperm leads to stagnation, a gland).
- The sexually transmitted diseases.
Despite the fact that a fairly large number of provocative moments, the essence of prostate occurrence of stagnation of a body within the background of the decreased circulation of lymph.

A modern urologist is not a single classification of a disease. However, the professionals prefer this version of a classification of women is an inflammation of a process of prostate:
- Course of disease:
- Acute inflammation of the prostate. Accounts That more than 50% of the people don't have an older, mint 30-35 years.
- Chronic option. Considered nevozmozhnoe category. For a long time shows that the momentum of the development of a flu infection.
- The look of a pathologist:
- Bacterial inflammation of the prostate, common in men 40 years of age, occurs against the background of the IGO, crosses the boundaries of the authority.
- The non-bacterial gland pathological changes in a mainly chronic.
- Viral prostatitis characterized by acute, of course, always involving sexual issues.
- A buy nature of the structural changes in the prostate:
- Fibrous prostate is characterized by rapid irreversible growth of the cancer, you need radical surgery. Clinically reminiscent of a benign prostatic hyperplasia.
- Calculous inflammation of a prostate gland that occurs due to the formation of stones within the prostate. Visible than its predecessor, the cancer.
- Congestive prostatitis, the result of the sedentary lifestyle, diagnosed in every second patient.
A disease symptoms
If a man finds himself, at least two of the following symptoms of a prostate inflammation, you should immediately contact a qualified technician:
- Urination disorder is the occurrence of periodic, weak stream of urine, unusually short-range, attractive splashes, difficulty, pain, urination before. Frequent urination empty bladder may occur, especially at night.
- The pain, which is localized in the bottom provides radiation to a scrotum, perineum, rectum.
- Sexual dysfunction.
- Problems with ejaculation, for a change, a sperm (consistency, amount).
Acute prostatitis
The disease suddenly begins to rise the temperature (40 degrees), pain, headache, fever. The displayed symptoms are accompanied by pain in the groin, perineum, back, discharge from the urethra, frequent urination, constant urge him.
Bladder emptying is delayed, burning sensation. The urine itself becomes cloudy, you may find the the the blood. There is irritability, fatigue.
The result is acute inflammation of the prostate can be a full resolution process (if started treatment). They changes a lot of bodies, a small pool, can't be let slide, or relevant complications:
- Vesiculitis – inflammation of a defining blisters, for the reason that a pus of semen that you just don't reduce the quality of the ejaculate, but leads to loss of reproductive function.
- Colliculi – inflammatory changes a defining look to start thus the reason for the development of severe pain syndrome during sex, an interruption orgasm, impotence is psychological in nature.
- The formation of an abscess in a test, a prostate, a ruptured, purulent lesion of the rectum leads to aggravation of the symptoms, a strong poisoning, another death there.
- Stagnation of a prostate lead to changes in the structure, disorders of the innervation, the blood supply to the gland organs, and in the vicinity, is a violation of the functions. Erection will be sufficient for full sexual intercourse, there is a premature ejaculation, sexual intercourse without sexual orgasm.
- Cicatrice from glands changes a, spermatic cord leads to infertility and reduced sperm quality, mobility of sperm. Narrowing of the urethra interferes with a normal process of urination, obstruction, a bladder cause acute urinary retention, do not require emergency surgical care.
Chronic prostatitis
Characteristics of The main, a disease, a blur, the clinical symptoms, a long, difficult process. The most chronic form of self occurs as the primary pathology, in the background of a stagnation of blood in the vessels (prostatosis), abacterial prostatitis.
The main symptoms of chronic prostatitis, or:
- fever;
- pain in the scrotum, vagina, anus, back;
- violation of urination;
- mucous or Muco-purulent discharge in the rectum, the urethra, or absence of urination bowel movements;
- violation of erectile function, painful ejaculation, coitus interruptus, prolonged intercourse without satisfaction.
- Infertility, the result is a chronic inflammation of a spermatic cord, blisters, testicles, limbs.
- Cystitis, pyelonephritis (other diseases of the genitourinary system) mechanical consequence of a, that a so-called hematogenous spread of microbes.
- Sepsis.
- Lasting immunosuppression.
- Untreated prostate 35 – 40% of the cases, may cause cancer.
The clinical picture of the disease characteristics, that does not cause the diagnosis difficulty. This makes the basis of a urology patient history, examination of the patient, a laboratory, a minimum use of the most advanced medical devices:
- The rectal examination of the gland, the buyer of a secret test (taken from a definition of sensitivity to antibiotics).
- KLA, OAM, urine bacterial culture.
- A swab of the Genital diseases, IGO-study.
- Daily monitoring of the urination, a rhythm, a measurement of the speed of urination (uroflowmetry).
- A differential diagnosis carried ultrasound, or TRUST.
- If you want the cancer to rule, a biopsy, finally urográfia, only PSA – prostate specific antigen.
- The diagnosis of infertility order analysis of semen – sperm analysis to determine fertility in men.
Based on the results of the examination of the patient an individual program of complex treatment of prostatitis. When prescribing to take into account that a form, a disease, a presence of the part. A decision about where to conduct therapy (hospital or ambulatory) take the doctor. The therapy, careful laboratory control the results.
One of the most modern center for the treatment of prostate the GK clinic "Mother-Child". Since the problem of infertility is closely related to a urological inflammatory diseases, health care professionals, given this question much attention.
The clinics, "Mother-to-child" every patient has the playback to a full complete cycle of special studies, acquisition, psychological successfully disbursed by the eu structural that is treated with drugs, the last generation, which in this area, to get acquainted with the new methods, a treatment for prostate inflammation. Not last is the place where a treatment prostate the effective rehabilitation of the patient, medical surveillance, prevention.
Treatment of acute prostatitis
Acute prostatitis requiring a bed, a special, salt-free diet, sexual peace.
Methods a treatment:
- The most effective in the treatment of prostate etiotropic therapy. If the basis of the prostate – infection, priority is naturally anti-microbial drugs, which relieve the inflammation.
- Pain syndrome cut for pain and cramp release, anal plugs, micro-climate, warm solutions of anaesthetic drugs. It could be that the use of Nsaids.
- Demonstrated the effectiveness of Immunostimulants, immunomodulators, enzymes, vitamin complexes, a combination of micro-nutrients.
- Physiotherapy is only possible in a subacute stage of the disease. They improve the micro-circulation, improve the immunity: UHF, UHF, electrophoresis, the, magneto therapy.
- Massage – another effective method effect on the prostate. Open the channels, normalize the blood circulation in the scrotum to the throat.
- Sharp delay in the filtrate of a kidney can be corrected catheterization, traganou cystostomy.
- A purulent process involves the surgical intervention.
- Counseling.
The treatment of chronic prostatitis
A long-term (at least one month) effect on the prostate is a 100% guarantee cannot be cured. The priorities of the herbal medicines, immunocorrection, changing household habits:
- Herbal preparations (for example, Likoprofit) uncle sanyi widespread in the urological spoke up. To accumulate Able to the one place where most of the active pathological process, to protect the cells a oxidation, remove free radicals, inhibit the growth of the prostate tissue.
- Antibiotic treatment is chosen individually based on the sensitivity of the microbes to the drugs.
- Medications that increase the immunity, not only to help you cope with the inflammation of the prostate, they're still correct for the negative effects of antibiotics, which have a disrupted immune system function.
- Pain syndrome relieved by a meeting with alpha blockers, muscle relaxants.
- Prostate massage allows you to mechanically remove the "extra" a secret prostate through the urethra, improves blood circulation to to minimize the congestion.
- Physiotherapy: laser, magnet, ultrasound, iontophoresis, sessile warm bath, or microclysters with herbs.
- In severe cases, intravenous fluid, diuretics. Stimulates abundant urine, profilaktirujut the symptoms of intoxication, development of ascending cystitis and pyelonephritis.
- Speak constipation laxatives of vegetable origin.
- Urologist, a psychologist with a patient, develop a specific, long-term program, a routine, necessary, diet, dosage of the physical exertion, sexual activity.
- In the case where the resistance with chronic therapy, blocking the flow of urine prescribe surgical intervention: remove all the affected tissue (transurethral resection of an prostate), or remove the entire prostate gland to the surrounding tissues (prostatectomy). In exceptional cases, full of impotence, incontinence. The young do not conduct the operation because this can cause infertility.
In order to prevent unpleasant words disease, you need to eliminate triggers, and then follow the simple rules:
- Leading a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits.
- Not To Be Rude.
- Drink at least 1.5-2 litres of water a day.
- To strengthen the immune system, a lot of walking, temper.
- The physical activity, sport, fitness visit clubs.
- To avoid stressful situations.
- The practice of regular sexual life, permanent partner.
- A Regular visits to a urologist.